Hola from Honduras!

Today we found out that it was a Honduran holiday, we don’t know what holiday it is and our translaters don’t know what it is either.

The truss builders have completed 12 trusses out of 14, so just 2 more to go ….woo hoo…..God is good! We should be able to finish those up tomorrow. We could have finished them today, but we quit working after lunch to go to the orphanage to play and love the children. Then we went out to eat at our favorite fish establishment, fresh talipa raised in a pond behind the restaurant. It was Randy’s birthday today, so after we got back to the compound we celebrated Randy’s birthday with cake and ice cream in traditional Honduran fashion.

The sewing ministry is going very well, we are gaining more women by the day and are teaching them different items to sew. It’s so fun to watch their faces as they learn how to run the machines.

It (faith) is the change from being confident about our own efforts to the state in which we despair of doing anything for ourselves and leave it to God.

Thank you for your prayers!

Honduras Mission team